-Stanley Hauerwas
This quote by Professor Hauerwas has been one that continually reminds me of my attitude during worship, the motivation, driving force and aim of my christian walk. Are the words on the page of the Book of Common Prayer there simply to be recited in mindless unison by worshippers, unaware of the impact? How do I, as a believer in Christ, seek to make certain that my worship is acceptable in the sight of our Lord? It is essential to remember that God has guidelines for worship, and is not obligated to accept badly thought out hymns and half hearted prayers simply because one showed up to a house of worship.
It seems that the attitude of many Christians towards worship relies far too much on personal standards, and how they feel during a service. The measure of the quality of their worship is the emotive response elicited. Christ has no duty whatsoever to bless and condone whatever random religious blathering or musical arrangement performed. We are the ones that must come with hushed voices and hearts, into the presence of the Almighty, realizing our immense privilege, and seeking that our acts of worship be totally in line with His standards.
This Lord's Day, enter His house with thanksgiving, penitence, and holy fear. Let our worship be a grateful, orthodox act of thanks for His Salvation, given us by His Son.